Automate Mouse Clicks And Keystrokes

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  1. Automate Keystrokes Windows 10
  2. Software To Automate Keystrokes
  3. Automate Mouse Click Windows

Visit: Perfect Automation Auto Mouse Clicker. Auto mouse clicker is a free mouse clicker software. This software is a product of Murgee Softwares Pvt. It is one of the best free mouse clicker software for Windows available. You can automate you mouse clicks using this software. By using macro recorders, you can have your traditional mouse and keyboard to do things automatically. Check out the list of the 8 free macro recorders out there.

Take control of the mouse and keyboard

Block Input
Get mouse position
Move mouse
Move mouse to image
Move mouse to text on screen (OCR)
Send mouse click
Send keys
Press/release key
Set key state
Get keyboard identifier
Wait for shortcut key

Record mouse and keyboard actions for infinite replay No more performing the same task twice! Macro Recorder captures mouse events and keystrokes like a tape recorder, allowing you to automate tedious procedures on your computer. Download link: GHOST MOUSE GhostMouse allows you to record and automate a sequence of mouse clicks and keystrokes on a Windows PC.

Block Input

Blocks user mouse and keyboard input, so that the flow can perform mouse and keyboard actions without interference from the user

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Block itN/ABoolean valueTrueSpecify whether to block or unblock mouse and keyboard input
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Can't block/unblock user input in non interactive modeIndicates a problem blocking/unblocking input in non-interactive mode
Failed to block/unblock inputIndicates a problem blocking/unblocking input

Automate Keystrokes Windows 10

Get mouse position

Retrieves the current position of the mouse cursor on the screen in pixel coordinates

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Relative toN/AScreen, Foreground windowScreenSpecify whether to retrieve the mouse position in screen coordinates or relative to the top left corner of the active window
Variables Produced
MousePosXNumeric valueThe horizontal (X) value of the mouse position
MousePosYNumeric valueThe vertical (Y) value of the mouse position
Can't retrieve the mouse position in non interactive modeIndicates a problem retrieving the mouse cursor position in non-interactive mode

Move mouse

Moves the mouse to a specific position

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Position XNoNumeric valueThe horizontal (X) value of the position to send the mouse to
Position YNoNumeric valueThe vertical (Y) value of the position to send the mouse to
Relative toN/AScreen, Active window, Current mouse positionScreenSpecify whether the new mouse position will be relative to the top left corner of the screen, the foremost window, or the current mouse position
Move mouse from previous positionN/AInstant, With animation (low speed), With animation (normal speed), With animation (high speed)InstantSpecify how to move the mouse
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Can't move mouse in non interactive modeIndicates a problem moving the mouse in non-interactive mode
Failed to move mouseIndicates a problem moving the mouse

Move mouse to image

Moves the mouse over an image found on screen or on the foreground window

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Image to move mouse toNoList of ImageThe list of Images to move the mouse to
Search for image onN/AEntire screen, Foreground window onlyEntire screenSpecify whether to search for the specified Image in the foremost window only, or the entire visible screen. Neither choice will find the image if it isn't clearly visible on the screen
Search modeN/ASearch whole screen or foreground window, Search on specified subregion of screen or foreground windowSearch whole screen or foreground windowSpecify whether to scan the entire screen (or window) to find the supplied image or only a subregion of it
X1YesNumeric valueThe starting X of the subregion to search in
Y1YesNumeric valueThe starting Y of the subregion to search in
X2YesNumeric valueThe ending X of the subregion to search in
Y2YesNumeric valueThe ending Y of the subregion to search in
Mouse position relative to imageN/Atop left corner, top center, top right corner, middle left part, center, middle right part, bottom left corner, bottom center, bottom right cornercenterThe section of the image the mouse will be moved to
Offset XYesNumeric value0The pixels to offset the mouse from the position to the right
Offset YYesNumeric value0The pixels to offset the mouse from the position down
ToleranceYesNumeric value10Specify how much the specified image can differ from the originally chosen image
Mouse movement styleN/AInstant, With animation (low speed), With animation (normal speed), With animation (high speed)InstantSpecify the style of movement in which the mouse will move from its previous position to the beginning of the recorded route (or to its final position)
OccurenceYesNumeric value1The occurence of the image found to move the mouse to
Fail timeoutYesNumeric value0The fail timeout in seconds
Send a click after moving mouseN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether to send a click after the mouse is positioned over the image
Click typeN/ALeft click, Right click, Middle clickLeft clickThe mouse click to send to the image
Seconds before clickYesNumeric value0The number of seconds to wait before sending the click
Variables Produced
XNumeric valueThe X coordinate of the point where the image is found on the screen. If the image is being searched for on the foreground window, the coordinate returned is relative to the top left corner of the window
YNumeric valueThe Y coordinate of the point where the image is found on the screen. If the image is being searched for on the foreground window, the coordinate returned is relative to the top left corner of the window
Image not found on screenIndicates that the speicifed image wasn't found on the screen
Can't move mouse in non interactive modeIndicates a problem moving the mouse in non-interactive mode
Failed to move mouseIndicates a problem moving the mouse
Invalid subregion coordinatesIndicates that the coordinates of the given subregion were invalid
Not enough Image occurences found on screenIndicates that not enough occurences of the specified Image were found on the screen

Move mouse to text on screen (OCR)

Moves the mouse over a text found on the screen or on the foreground window using OCR

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
OCR engineNoOCREngineObjectThe OCR engine to use to search for the text with
Text to findNoText valueThe text to move the mouse over
Is regular expressionN/ABoolean valueFalseWhether to use a regular expression to look for the text on screen
OccurenceYesNumeric value1A positive number that will be used as the occurence of the input text on screen
Search for text onN/AEntire screen, Foreground window onlyEntire screenWhether to look for the specified text in the foremost window only or the entire visible screen. Neither choice will find the text if it isn't clearly visible on the screen
Search modeN/AWhole of specified source, Specific subregion only, Subregion relative to imageWhole of specified sourceWhether to scan the entire screen (or window) to find the supplied text or only a narrows down subregion of it
Image(s)NoList of ImageThe image(s) specifying the subregion (relative to the top left corner of the image) to scan for the supplied text
X1YesNumeric valueThe start X coordinate of the subregion to scan for the supplied text
ToleranceYesNumeric value10Specify how much the image(s) searched for can differ from the originally chosen image
Y1YesNumeric valueThe start Y coordinate of the subregion to scan for the supplied text
X1YesNumeric valueThe start X coordinate of the subregion relative to the specified image to scan for the supplied text
X2YesNumeric valueThe end X coordinate of the subregion to scan for the supplied text
Y1YesNumeric valueThe start Y coordinate of the subregion relative to the specified image to scan for the supplied text
Y2YesNumeric valueThe end Y coordinate of the subregion to scan for the supplied text
X2YesNumeric valueThe end X coordinate of the subregion relative to the specified image to scan for the supplied text
Y2YesNumeric valueThe end Y coordinate of the subregion relative to the specified image to scan for the supplied text
Move mouse from previous positionN/AInstant, With animation (low speed), With animation (normal speed), With animation (high speed)InstantThe style of movement in which the mouse will move from its previous position to its final position
Wait for text to appearN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether to wait if the text isn't found on the screen or foreground window
Fail if text doesn't appear withinYesNumeric value10The number of seconds to wait for the supplied text to appear
Send a click after moving mouseN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether to send a click after the mouse is positioned over the text
Click typeN/ALeft click, Right click, Middle clickLeft clickThe mouse click type to send to the text
Wait before clicking forYesNumeric value1The number of seconds to wait before clicking
Mouse position relative to textN/Atop left corner, top center, top right corner, middle left part, center, middle right part, bottom left corner, bottom center, bottom right cornercenterSpecify which section of the text the mouse will be moved to
Offset XYesNumeric value0Offset the mouse from the position by this many pixels to the right
Offset YYesNumeric value0Offset the mouse from the position by this many pixels down


Power Automate Desktop's regular expression engine is .NET. You can find more information in Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference.

Variables Produced
LocationOfTextFoundXNumeric valueThe X coordinate of the point where the text is found on the screen. If the text is searched for in the foreground window, this is relative to the top left corner of the window
LocationOfTextFoundYNumeric valueThe Y coordinate of the point where the text is found on the screen. If the text is searched for in the foreground window this is relative to the top left corner of the window
WidthOfTextFoundNumeric valueThe width of the area the text was found on
HeightOfTextFoundNumeric valueThe width of the area the text was found on
Text not found on screenIndicates that the specified text couldn't be found on the screen
Can't move mouse in non interactive modeIndicates a problem moving the mouse in non-interactive mode
Failed to move mouseIndicates a problem moving the mouse
Invalid subregion coordinatesIndicates that the coordinates of the given subregion were invalid
OCR engine isn't aliveIndicates that the OCR engine specified isn't alive

Send mouse click

Sends a mouse click event

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Mouse event to sendN/ALeft click, Right click, Double click, Left button down, Left button up, Right button down, Right button upLeft clickSpecify what form of mouse event to send
WaitYesNumeric value0The time to delay before sending the mouse event in 1/1000 of a second
Move mouseN/ABoolean valueFalseMove mouse
XNoNumeric valueThe horizontal (X) position of the mouse in pixel coordinates
YNoNumeric valueThe vertical (Y) position of the mouse in pixel coordinates
Relative toN/AScreen, Active window, Current mouse positionScreenSpecify whether the new mouse position will be relative to the top left corner of the screen, the foremost window, or the current mouse position
Mouse movement styleN/AInstant, With animation (low speed), With animation (normal speed), With animation (high speed)InstantThe style of movement in which the mouse will move from its previous position to the beginning of the recorded route (or to its final position)
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Can't send mouse click in non interactive modeIndicates a problem sending a mouse click in non-interactive mode
Mouse click out of screen boundsIndicates that the mouse click was out of the screen bounds
Failed to send mouse clickIndicates a problem sending a mouse click

Send keys

Sends keys to the application that is currently active

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Text to sendNoEncrypted valueThe text to send to the application
Delay between keystrokesYesNumeric value10Specify the delay in milliseconds between sending keystrokes to avoid input errors
Send Text as hardware keysN/ABoolean valueFalseEmulate the actual keystrokes on keyboard when sending whole Text
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Can't send keystrokes in non interactive modeIndicates a problem sending keystrokes in non-interactive mode
Text to send doesn't represent valid keystrokesIndicates that the text given doesn't represent valid keystrokes
There isn't an active application to send keystrokes toIndicates that there isn't an active application to send keystrokes to
Failed to send keystrokesIndicates a problem sending keystrokes


To simulate a physical key being pressed inside a Send Keys action, use the curly brackets {} notation. (e.g. To press Enter use {Enter}). To use a key as a modifier, use the curly brackets {} notation two both keys. (e.g. To press Ctrl + A use {Control}({A})). The Send Keys action accepts the Virtual-Key Codes

Valid keys
ButtonsLButton, RButton, Cancel, MButton, XButton1, XButton2
Keyboard ControlBack, Tab, LineFeed, Clear, Enter, Return, ShiftKey, ControlKey,Menu, Pause, CapsLock, Capital, Escape, Space, Prior, PageUp, PageDown, Next, End, Home, Left, Up, Right, Down, Select, Print, Execute, Snapshot, PrintScreen, Insert, Delete, Help
ButtonsHangulMode, HanguelMode, KanaMode, JunjaMode, FinalMode, KanjiMode, HanjaMode
IME keysIMEConvert, IMENonconvert, IMEAccept, IMEAceept, IMEModeChange
Browser keysBrowserSearch, BrowserFavorites, BrowserHome
Volume keysVolumeMute, VolumeDown, VolumeUp
Media keysMediaNextTrack, MediaPreviousTrack, MediaStop, MediaPlayPause
ButtonsLaunchMail, SelectMedia, LaunchApplication1, LaunchApplication2
OEM keysOemSemicolon, Oem1, Oemplus, Oemcomma, OemMinus, OemPeriod, Oem2, OemQuestion, Oem3, Oemtilde, Oem4, OemOpenBrackets, OemPipe, Oem5, OemCloseBrackets, Oem6, OemQuotes, Oem7, Oem8, Oem102, OemBackslash, OemClear
ButtonsProcessKey, Packet, Attn, Crsel, Exsel, EraseEof, Play, Zoom, NoName, Pa1
ButtonsKeyCodem, Shift, Control, Alt, Modifiers
D keysD0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9
LettersA, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Windows keysLWin, RWin, Apps, Sleep
NumPad keysNumPad0, NumPad1, NumPad2, NumPad3, NumPad4, NumPad5, NumPad6, NumPad7, NumPad8, NumPad9
Calculation keysMultiply, Add, Separator, Subtract, Decimal, Divide
Function keysF1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, F16, F17, F18, F19, F20, F21, F22, F23, F24
ButtonsNumLock, Scroll, LShiftKey, RShiftKey, LControlKey, RControlKey, LMenu, RMenu, BrowserBack, BrowserForward, BrowserRefresh, BrowserStop

Press/release key

Presses (and holds) or releases one or more modifier keys (Alt, Control, or Shift)

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Action to performN/APress, ReleasePressSpecify whether to press or release keys with this action
ControlN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether the Ctrl key will be pressed/released or not
AltN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether the Alt key will be pressed/released or not
ShiftN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether the Shift key will be pressed/released or not
WinN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether the Windows key will be pressed/released or not
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Can't press or release key in non interactive modeIndicates a problem pressing or releasing the key in non-interactive mode

Set key state

Sets the state (on or off) for the keys Caps Lock, Num Lock or Scroll Lock

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
KeyN/ACaps Lock, Num Lock, Scroll LockCaps LockSpecify the key to set
StateN/AOff, OnOnWhether to set the key state to on or off
Variables Produced
  • This action doesn't produce any variables
Can't set key state in non interactive modeIndicates a problem setting the key state in non interactive mode

Get keyboard identifier

Retrieves the active keyboard identifier from the machine's registry

Input Parameters
  • This action doesn't require any input
Variables Produced
KeyboardLayoutIdNumeric valueThe registry key of the active keyboard identifier
Keyboard identifier wasn't foundIndicates an error while retrieving the keyboard identifier

Wait for shortcut key

Pause the flow run until a specific shortcut key is pressed. Shortcut keys must contain at least one key or a key and one of (ctrl, alt, shift). To define multiple shortcut keys seperate them by comma.

Input Parameters
ArgumentOptionalAcceptsDefault ValueDescription
Shortcut keyYesList of Text valuesCtrl + ASpecify the shortcut keys to wait for. Shortcut keys must contain exactly one key or a key and a combination of (ctrl, alt, shift). In order to wait for one of multiple shortcut keys they must be in a list.
Continue flow run on timeoutN/ABoolean valueFalseSpecify whether the flow run will continue anyway when the set period of time waiting for the shortcut key expires
Continue afterYesNumeric value10The time in seconds before continuing the flow run
Variables Produced
IndexOfShortcutKeyPressedNumeric valueThe index of the shortcut key if the shortcut keys are in a list format.
Shortcut key failed to registerIndicates that a shortcut key failed to register.


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Recording Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes is now easy with Macro Recorder to Automate Repetitive Actions. This post presents two different and unique ways to create your Macro Script which can Automate almost anything. Whether you need to repeat an action in a Game or need to automate a complex and repetitive task, the information provided here can be really handy and worth giving a try.

Macro Recorder to Record and Playback Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes

Simple and Quick way to Record and Playback Mouse Actions like Single Click, Double Click, Scrolling, etc and Key Pressing is to use the Macro Recorder as displayed in the screenshot above. Note that there are two different configurable keyboard shortcuts which allow you to fully control the software. When Recording, you can enable or disable Mouse or Keyboard Actions. Note that you can save the Recorded Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes in a data file and load it later. This Macro Recorder plays back exactly whatever you have recorded.

Record and Playback Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes from within a Macro Script

When Recording Mouse Actions and Keystrokes, there is lots of Data Recorded by Recorder. Mouse Movement, Time Delay between consecutive Human Input, Pressing Down Mouse and then Releasing it for recording a Mouse Click, pressing and then releasing of a Keystroke to record a Key Press and much more. Editing such huge data can be cumbersome and hence, an alternative way to record and playback Mouse and Keystrokes is to use a Macro Editor with functionality to embed a Mouse and Keyboard Recording in it.

Software To Automate Keystrokes

Macro Script Containing Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes

Having a Macro Recording containing Recorded Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes in a Macro Recording and simultaneously having the functionality to add or edit other Mouse Click and Keystrokes is offered by Powerful and Cheap Windows Automation Tool. Yes you need to plan your repetitive task into parts, so that you can have your fixed and repetitive task in a single Macro Recording and other changing parameters added as separate actions in the Macro Script.

Auto Mouse Click with Macro Recorder to Record and Playback Mouse and Keyboard Actions

The above Screenshots displays an Easy to Use and yet Powerful tool to assist you in Windows Automation. Whether you wish to repeat your Mouse Clicks single or Multiple Times, need a helping hand to automate Text Typing, both the Macro Recorders are versatile and powerful tools available for download. Watch a short introductory video tutorial displaying both of the above mentioned ways to Record and Playback Mouse Clicks and Keystroke. With a little planning and understanding, this Auto Mouse Click Utility for Windows.

Automate Mouse Click Windows

When Playing back a Macro Recording (containing Mouse Clicks and other Mouse Actions), do make sure that Screen Resolution is the same as was during the time of recording. Recording of Mouse Actions is done by taking into consideration Mouse Cursor Location which is measured in terms of X Axis and Y Axis Location and is affected by changes in Screen Resolution. All the above Screenshots above have been captured on Windows 8.1 Computer, however you can download and use this Windows Automation Utility on any Windows Computer running almost any latest Windows Operating System like Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, etc.

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