(See also Artificial Intelligence; Chips [Electronic]; Diskettes; Electronic Games; E-Mail; Internet; MEPS [Multilanguage Electronic Publishing System]; Video Games)
addiction to: g86 7/22 30
Desktop wallpaper by Jwgirl. You Might Like. NinthTome Aug 9, 2016. Most translated website. Zingercustoms Nov 29, 2015. What font, I need for. Download and install Watchtower Library to your computer. The downloadable file is about 2 GB in size. If internet bandwidth or cost is an issue, you can obtain an installation DVD from a local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.Click the Download button to find out if.
Internet: g 3/07 4-6; g97 9/8 28; g96 6/22 28-29
artificial intelligence: g88 7/8 12-15
assisting deaf in learning to speak: g94 11/22 28-29
avoiding wasting time in use of: km 1/04 4
balanced view of: w13 1/15 17-18
Bible on: g 10/08 30; g88 4/22 30
blind users:
screen readers: yb13 20
child use: g05 4/8 8-9; g04 8/22 28
computer literacy: g96 6/22 28
effect on communication skills: g01 8/22 29
need for parental guidance: g95 4/22 29
preschoolers: g04 7/22 28-29
repetitive strain injuries: g04 9/8 28-29
chips (electronic): g89 5/22 12-14
attached to marathon runners: g98 10/22 29
faulty microchips: g88 10/8 29-30
superconducting microchips: g88 3/22 21-22
compact discs (CDs): g94 4/22 22-23
compared to snail: w99 6/15 17; ct 53
compared to worm: g90 5/22 31
computer crime: g19.1 3; g 5/13 8-9; g98 1/8 6; g89 10/8 28; g87 9/8 27
factor in bank failures: g86 10/22 6
software distribution: w10 6/1 14
computer sabotage (cyberattacks): g 5/12 26-28; g01 5/22 8-9; g87 9/8 27, 30
computer virus: g 1/12 10; g87 9/8 27
computer worms: g 5/12 27
logic time bombs: g87 9/8 27
spy software: g 1/12 11
Trojan horses: g 1/12 11
contrast to—
bee: g95 2/8 24-25
housefly: la 16
human brain: la 16-17; w99 6/15 17; g99 5/8 6; ct 50-53, 63-64; g90 5/22 31; g88 6/8 9, 11; g88 7/8 13-15
data archives undependable: g00 1/22 28
biological systems: g 9/06 6
public: g89 8/8 26-27
data security: g 8/09 28; g97 7/22 9
Deep Blue: ct 51
effect of manufacture on environment: g03 10/22 29
effect on memory: g01 11/22 28
effect on productivity: g03 5/22 28; g98 1/8 9
effect on spread of English: g99 4/8 29
employees monitored by: g90 4/22 18-20; g88 5/22 6-7
ENIAC: g89 5/22 12-13
printer fixed by Witness: yb11 70
software designer: g17.3 12-13
Witness paralytic uses for ministry: w15 8/1 10-11
Witness student uses teacher's laptop: yb13 55
expert systems: g88 7/8 13-14
eye-controlled: w15 3/1 10-11
minitel terminals: g87 1/22 29
frustration with: g99 12/8 28
games: yp2 246-252; g 1/08 18-21; g02 12/22 3-8; g97 5/22 30; g96 8/22 12-14
addictive: yp2 247; g 4/07 30; g05 9/8 13; g02 12/22 6-8; g96 8/22 13-14
Brazil bans harmful: g98 9/22 28
child players in Japan: g86 6/8 30
comments by software evaluator: g96 1/8 30
in the workplace: g 7/07 22
Quake II: g98 8/22 29
sex and violence: g03 7/8 7; g02 12/22 5-6; g95 5/8 25
violent games: w05 9/15 29
virtual reality systems: g95 11/22 29
human languages:
translation of: w05 4/15 21-22; g93 9/22 29; yb92 17-18; g86 7/22 30
'understanding' of: g88 7/8 14
image enhancement of ancient Bible manuscript: g88 5/8 27
Earth Simulator: g03 8/8 28-29
Jehovah's Witnesses:
administrative software: yb10 10-12
Braille transcription: yb13 21
GetVerse:km 2/94 7
languages supported: yb93 25
MEPS branches: yb91 15; yb90 190; yb87 10, 213; w86 1/1 25; je 24; g86 3/8 27
MEPS capabilities: km 6/98 4; g86 3/8 24-27
MEPS contributions to witness work: yb03 188-189; km 6/98 4-5
MEPS development: jv 596; g91 5/22 27
MEPS production: g87 2/22 27
New World Translation on diskette: yb93 25; km 7/92 3
New World Translation with Insight on diskette: km 6/96 7; km 5/94 7; km 5/93 7
personal computers: jv 598-599; yb87 213
prepress systems: yb98 121-123; jv 596-599
use in translation: g16.3 6; kr 85; jl 23; yb07 153-155; yb06 190; w99 10/15 30-31; jv 599, 602
Watchtower Library—1993 Edition (CD-ROM): g94 4/22 23; km 5/94 7; km 5/93 7
Watchtower Library—1995 Edition (CD-ROM): km 8/96 7; km 12/95 7
Watchtower Library—1997 Edition (CD-ROM): yb99 20; km 4/98 7; km 6/98 7
Watchtower Library—1999 Edition (CD-ROM): km 3/00 7
left on overnight: g 11/09 30
medical use:
CAT scanners: g90 7/22 26
psychiatric treatment by: g87 9/22 30
navigation of ships: g00 8/8 28
neglecting human element: g98 1/8 9
networks (public):
bulletin boards: km 9/95 6; w93 8/1 17
bullying messages: g 1/14 7; g 3/07 6; g05 5/22 28; g03 5/8 28; g03 8/22 4
chat rooms: g 10/08 6; g05 9/22 19-21; g05 10/22 17-19; g04 12/8 19-21; g00 6/8 10
Internet: w11 8/15 3-5; g00 1/22 19-21; km 11/99 3-6; g98 1/8 12; g97 7/22 3-13
pornography: g 5/10 30; jd 91, 94-95; g04 12/8 19; g03 7/22 5; g02 2/22 29; w01 4/15 32; g01 1/8 28; g01 2/22 30; g00 1/22 19-20; g00 4/8 4; g00 6/8 3-10; g99 1/22 29; g99 4/8 7; g97 7/22 10; g96 6/22 30; g96 7/22 6-8; g95 11/8 29
religion: g00 12/22 29; g96 6/8 28
tasteless information: g95 1/22 28
World Wide Web: g97 7/22 6-7
no mind: ct 51
passwords: g 5/12 28; g01 6/22 31
portable computers:
danger in aircraft: g99 5/8 28
role in mobile phone communication: g87 6/22 26-27
stock market usage: g89 8/8 7
terrorism involving: g01 5/22 6, 8-9
United States:
files on individuals by government agencies: g88 2/22 3
up-to-date likenesses of missing children: g88 11/22 30
use in court:
Electronic Judge: g00 12/8 29
use in education: g89 7/22 25-27
video terminals:
effect on night vision: g92 6/22 28
eyestrain: g93 9/8 29; g86 8/22 30
need of users for vitamin A: g01 6/22 28
possible danger to pregnant women: g88 12/22 31
reading text on: g98 12/22 28
'vision' capability: g88 7/8 14-15
voice production:
adding emotion: g01 2/8 28-29
voice recognition systems:
effect on workers: g96 7/8 29
Witness view: km 9/95 5-6
congregation records: km 9/95 5
copyright laws: w01 2/15 28-29; w01 4/15 29; km 9/95 6
electronic bulletin boards: km 9/95 6
meeting parts: km 9/95 5-6
printouts of scriptures for meetings: km 9/95 6
year 2000 problem: g00 12/8 28; g99 2/8 21-23; g99 5/8 28; g97 8/8 28-29
(See also Artificial Intelligence; Chips [Electronic]; Diskettes; Electronic Games; E-Mail; Internet; MEPS [Multilanguage Electronic Publishing System]; Video Games)
addiction to: g86 7/22 30
Internet: g 3/07 4-6; g97 9/8 28; g96 6/22 28-29
artificial intelligence: g88 7/8 12-15
assisting deaf in learning to speak: g94 11/22 28-29
avoiding wasting time in use of: km 1/04 4
balanced view of: w13 1/15 17-18
Bible on: g 10/08 30; g88 4/22 30
blind users:
screen readers: yb13 20
child use: g05 4/8 8-9; g04 8/22 28
computer literacy: g96 6/22 28
effect on communication skills: g01 8/22 29
need for parental guidance: g95 4/22 29
preschoolers: g04 7/22 28-29
repetitive strain injuries: g04 9/8 28-29
chips (electronic): g89 5/22 12-14
attached to marathon runners: g98 10/22 29
faulty microchips: g88 10/8 29-30
superconducting microchips: g88 3/22 21-22
Jw Org Windows 10
compact discs (CDs): g94 4/22 22-23
compared to snail: w99 6/15 17; ct 53
compared to worm: g90 5/22 31
computer crime: g19.1 3; g 5/13 8-9; g98 1/8 6; g89 10/8 28; g87 9/8 27
factor in bank failures: g86 10/22 6
software distribution: w10 6/1 14
computer sabotage (cyberattacks): g 5/12 26-28; g01 5/22 8-9; g87 9/8 27, 30
computer virus: g 1/12 10; g87 9/8 27
computer worms: g 5/12 27
logic time bombs: g87 9/8 27
spy software: g 1/12 11
Trojan horses: g 1/12 11
contrast to—
bee: g95 2/8 24-25
housefly: la 16
human brain: la 16-17; w99 6/15 17; g99 5/8 6; ct 50-53, 63-64; g90 5/22 31; g88 6/8 9, 11; g88 7/8 13-15
data archives undependable: g00 1/22 28
biological systems: g 9/06 6
public: g89 8/8 26-27
data security: g 8/09 28; g97 7/22 9
Deep Blue: ct 51
effect of manufacture on environment: g03 10/22 29
effect on memory: g01 11/22 28
effect on productivity: g03 5/22 28; g98 1/8 9
effect on spread of English: g99 4/8 29
employees monitored by: g90 4/22 18-20; g88 5/22 6-7
ENIAC: g89 5/22 12-13
printer fixed by Witness: yb11 70
software designer: g17.3 12-13
Witness paralytic uses for ministry: w15 8/1 10-11
Witness student uses teacher's laptop: yb13 55
expert systems: g88 7/8 13-14
eye-controlled: w15 3/1 10-11
minitel terminals: g87 1/22 29
frustration with: g99 12/8 28
games: yp2 246-252; g 1/08 18-21; g02 12/22 3-8; g97 5/22 30; g96 8/22 12-14
addictive: yp2 247; g 4/07 30; g05 9/8 13; g02 12/22 6-8; g96 8/22 13-14
Brazil bans harmful: g98 9/22 28
child players in Japan: g86 6/8 30
comments by software evaluator: g96 1/8 30
in the workplace: g 7/07 22
Quake II: g98 8/22 29
sex and violence: g03 7/8 7; g02 12/22 5-6; g95 5/8 25
violent games: w05 9/15 29
virtual reality systems: g95 11/22 29
human languages:
translation of: w05 4/15 21-22; g93 9/22 29; yb92 17-18; g86 7/22 30
'understanding' of: g88 7/8 14
image enhancement of ancient Bible manuscript: g88 5/8 27
Earth Simulator: g03 8/8 28-29
Jehovah's Witnesses:
administrative software: yb10 10-12
Braille transcription: yb13 21
GetVerse:km 2/94 7
languages supported: yb93 25
MEPS branches: yb91 15; yb90 190; yb87 10, 213; w86 1/1 25; je 24; g86 3/8 27
MEPS capabilities: km 6/98 4; g86 3/8 24-27
MEPS contributions to witness work: yb03 188-189; km 6/98 4-5
MEPS development: jv 596; g91 5/22 27
MEPS production: g87 2/22 27
New World Translation on diskette: yb93 25; km 7/92 3
New World Translation with Insight on diskette: km 6/96 7; km 5/94 7; km 5/93 7
personal computers: jv 598-599; yb87 213
prepress systems: yb98 121-123; jv 596-599
use in translation: g16.3 6; kr 85; jl 23; yb07 153-155; yb06 190; w99 10/15 30-31; jv 599, 602
Watchtower Library—1993 Edition (CD-ROM): g94 4/22 23; km 5/94 7; km 5/93 7
Watchtower Library—1995 Edition (CD-ROM): km 8/96 7; km 12/95 7
Watchtower Library—1997 Edition (CD-ROM): yb99 20; km 4/98 7; km 6/98 7
Watchtower Library—1999 Edition (CD-ROM): km 3/00 7
left on overnight: g 11/09 30
medical use:
CAT scanners: g90 7/22 26
psychiatric treatment by: g87 9/22 30
navigation of ships: g00 8/8 28
neglecting human element: g98 1/8 9
networks (public):
bulletin boards: km 9/95 6; w93 8/1 17
bullying messages: g 1/14 7; g 3/07 6; g05 5/22 28; g03 5/8 28; g03 8/22 4
chat rooms: g 10/08 6; g05 9/22 19-21; g05 10/22 17-19; g04 12/8 19-21; g00 6/8 10
Internet: w11 8/15 3-5; g00 1/22 19-21; km 11/99 3-6; g98 1/8 12; g97 7/22 3-13
pornography: g 5/10 30; jd 91, 94-95; g04 12/8 19; g03 7/22 5; g02 2/22 29; w01 4/15 32; g01 1/8 28; g01 2/22 30; g00 1/22 19-20; g00 4/8 4; g00 6/8 3-10; g99 1/22 29; g99 4/8 7; g97 7/22 10; g96 6/22 30; g96 7/22 6-8; g95 11/8 29
religion: g00 12/22 29; g96 6/8 28
tasteless information: g95 1/22 28
World Wide Web: g97 7/22 6-7
no mind: ct 51
Jw Org Wallpaper Desktop
passwords: g 5/12 28; g01 6/22 31
portable computers:
danger in aircraft: g99 5/8 28
role in mobile phone communication: g87 6/22 26-27
stock market usage: g89 8/8 7
terrorism involving: g01 5/22 6, 8-9
United States:
files on individuals by government agencies: g88 2/22 3
up-to-date likenesses of missing children: g88 11/22 30
use in court:
Electronic Judge: g00 12/8 29
use in education: g89 7/22 25-27
video terminals:
effect on night vision: g92 6/22 28
eyestrain: g93 9/8 29; g86 8/22 30
need of users for vitamin A: g01 6/22 28
possible danger to pregnant women: g88 12/22 31
reading text on: g98 12/22 28
'vision' capability: g88 7/8 14-15
voice production:
adding emotion: g01 2/8 28-29
voice recognition systems:
effect on workers: g96 7/8 29
Witness view: km 9/95 5-6
congregation records: km 9/95 5
copyright laws: w01 2/15 28-29; w01 4/15 29; km 9/95 6
electronic bulletin boards: km 9/95 6
meeting parts: km 9/95 5-6
printouts of scriptures for meetings: km 9/95 6
year 2000 problem: g00 12/8 28; g99 2/8 21-23; g99 5/8 28; g97 8/8 28-29